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‘Illegal’ toilet complex pulled down

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Indian  Express   16.09.2010

‘Illegal’ toilet complex pulled down

Express News Service Tags : encroachment, MCD Posted: Thu Sep 16 2010, 03:45 hrs

 New Delhi: The Municipal Corporation of Delhi demolished a semi-complete high-end toilet complex at Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg on Wednesday. According to the civic body, the complex was being constructing illegally by a company that had not participated in the mandatory financial and technical bidding process.

The MCD also stated that of the 20 companies that did not participate in the financial and technical bid, a few had already begun constructing structures without official permission from the MCD. However, the civic agency claims that all such structures have been demolished now.

The corporation had come out with a public notice asking companies to construct live structures of high-end toilet complexes that were to be judged by a group of experts, and then decide on the most suitable design to be implemented in various locations across Delhi before the Commonwealth Games. As many as 28 companies had participated in the process, and a day after that, the MCD had given them various sites to construct the prototype. However, out of the 28, only eight came forward and submitted the requisite papers

Last Updated on Thursday, 16 September 2010 11:21