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Dumping hospital wastes on roads flayed

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The Deccan Herald  21.09.2010

Dumping hospital wastes on roads flayed

Mandya :Sep 20, DHNS:

Though City Municipal Council authorities are planning to impose a ban on the use of plastics keeping in view protection of environment, owners of a few private nursing homes are dumping medical wastes on roads.

They not only throw plastic materials but also several medical wastes such as syringes, used bandages, expired tablets which are threat to public health.

The CMC has planned to impose a ban the use of plastic materials below 20 micron level.The newly elected president and vice-president should visit the spots and take necessary action.

Meanwhile, the citizens have demanded the CMC to hold awareness programme about the ill effects of use of plastic materials on the environment.
The dumped wastes are seen on Vivekananda road. It is quite strange that the department concerned has not bothered to take action against owners of such private nursing homes.
Shivaprakash Babu, a councillor told Deccan Herald that he has brought this to the notice of the commissioner, president and vice-president of the CMC. And now it is for the council to come out with a permanent solution.

Mixed response  
However, there is a mixed response given from the elected representatives on banning the use of plastic.
If Standing Committee chairman Gowrish and vice- president M J Chikkanna welcomed the move,  CMC president Arunkumar is not in its favour.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 21 September 2010 07:09