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VMC conducts medical camp

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The Hindu  04.10.2010

VMC conducts medical camp

Staff Reporter

VIJAYAWADA: Officials of the public health wing of the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC) conducted a medical camp and a sanitation drive at Currencynagar and nearby colonies on Sunday.

Nearly 30 staff members of the VMC participated in the programme, which was aimed at identifying those suffering from fevers and also preventing the conditions for the spread of diseases.

The corporation staff conducted blood tests on the local people to check if there was anybody suffering from dengue fever.

The VMC staff also took up spraying of larvicides in the side drains and stagnated areas in the colonies to prevent the scope for mosquito breeding. They said that the drive was taken up to prevent outbreak of vector-borne diseases as the formation of larvae was being noticed in the stagnant waters in the last few days.

Last Updated on Monday, 04 October 2010 11:41