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Not too late, says civic chief, appoints 23 officers to study nullahs

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Indian Express  06.010.2010

Not too late, says civic chief, appoints 23 officers to study nullahs

Express News Service Tags : Mahesh Zagade, nullah Posted: Wed Oct 06 2010, 04:17 hrs

Pune:  Municipal Commissioner Mahesh Zagade on Tuesday appointed senior civic officers for 23 basins across the city to study the nullahs from their origin till the end and initiate neccessary steps to prevent flooding.

“It has been observed that a few nullahs are not mentioned in the regional plan and development plan but they exist in reality. They exist in the maps available with the state public works department. All the maps would be clubbed to identify the path of nullahs,” Zagade told reporters after visiting parts of the city that were flooded on Monday night.

There is a need to look for permanent solution to avoid the repeat of such a situation, he said, adding the civic administration would focus on identifying and cleaning up all the natural streams. Each basin will have one officer to look after the nullahs, Zagade said. At least one engineer will be appointed for each of the flooded hot spots.

“Now, it is not too late and steps in the right direction would help in easing the situation. The rainfall was exceptional and it happens rarely but its a fact that the discharge of water through nullahs has obstacles due to shrinking channels and encroachments,” he said. The two additional municipal commissioners will reveiw the work regularly. The city engineer will monitor the work everyday.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 06 October 2010 11:30