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PCMC records 87 chikungunya cases in nine months

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The Times of India         28.10.2010

PCMC records 87 chikungunya cases in nine months

PUNE: Pimpri-Chinchwad continues to be in the grip of chikungunya with 87 cases being reported within PCMC limits in the past nine months, according health department statistics. However family doctors in the township say the number is likely to be much higher since many people visit private hospitals for treatment.

R R Iyer, medical director, Pimpri-Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC) said, "The PCMC sends samples of suspected cases to the National Institute of Virology (NIV) for confirmation. The NIV has confirmed that 87 people suffered had chikungunya."

Iyer said that the dengue spreading mosquito aedis egyptii is also responsible for spreading chikungunya and said that people should ensure that water does not accumulate in utensils, scrap materials, tyres, flowerpots and areas around their homes.

Shahaji Chavan, chairman of the Pimpri-Chinchwad doctors association said that the number of chikungunya patients is actually much higher than the 87 quoted by civic officials. "Most people get admitted in private hospitals rather than civic hospitals for treatment. There has been a noticeable increase in the number of chikungunya patients coming to private hospitals."

Also many pathological tests done by patients show negative results although they have all the classic symptoms of chikungunya like persistent arthritic pain.

Meanwhile, Prashant Shitole, chairman of the PCMC's standing committee said that its members were concerned about the growing number of chikungunya cases within the municipal limits.

"The civic administration is responsible for maintaining cleanliness on the roads and in public places," said Shitole. "Regular spraying and fogging activities must be undertaken in public places to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes."

He stated that he has received complaints about health workers not getting sufficient material for spraying and fogging so the civic administration has been instructed to take remedial action.