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Illegal dumping of garbage back

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The Hindu  09.11.2010

Illegal dumping of garbage back

Staff Reporter

It had stopped after agitations, media reports a few months ago

Despite several agitations and media reports, the illegal garbage dumping at Vambakeerapalayam continues.

PUDUCHERRY: The illegal dumping of garbage at Vambakeerapalayam, which was stopped after several agitations and media reports a few months ago, has resumed. This has put the residents to great discomfort.

An empty field in the area was used as a dumping yard illegally by private contractors of the Puducherry Municipality for a long time. This was followed by several agitations by the residents who complained of verbal abuse by the people who dump the garbage and a host of other issues including mosquito menace.

Health hazards

The residents also resorted to burning of garbage as they said they were unable to bear the stench emanating from the yard. This usually resulted in thick smoke in the area in the afternoons which led to health hazards for the residents.

According to residents, the menace of illegal garbage dumping abated after several media reports on the issue. But over the last few weeks, the tractors have started dumping the garbage again in the same yard.

“These mounds of garbage contain things like glass pieces and used syringes. We are worried that it might hurt our children who play nearby,” said Latha, a resident. The children also walk along with adults on the garbage to collect firewood and plastic bottles.

When contacted, commissioner of Puducherry Municipality Ashokan said that the issue had not been brought to their notice. If illegal garbage dumping had indeed taken place, a notice would be issued and payments for the contractor concerned will be stopped with immediate effect, he said.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 09 November 2010 10:58