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MPCB to receive report about garbage dumping at Alandi

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The Times of India        11.11.2010

MPCB to receive report about garbage dumping at Alandi

PUNE: A report based on the inspection of the Indrayani riverbed in the temple town of Alandi near Pune, will be submitted to the Masharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) regional office on Thursday.

The Indrayani Bachav Kruti Samiti (save Indrayani action committee) had highlighted dumping of garbage along the riverbed by the Alandi municipal council (AMC). The municipal council president Vilas Kurhade admitted that garbage was indeed being dumped along the riverbed due to lack of a dumping ground. The temple town daily generates about five to six tonnes of garbage. P K Mirashe, regional officer MPCB said, "A field officer was sent to conduct inspection of the Indrayani riverbed to find if there has been dumping of garbage. He will submit the report to me tomorrow."

Mirashe said, "The field officer will take decisions as per the situation. If there is contamination of water then he will take water samples from the river." Vikas Patil, president, Indrayani Bachav Kruti Samiti, alleged that the civic body was dumping garbage in the Indrayani riverbed following which the MPCB official conducted an inspection on Wednesday.

Patil had alleged that dumping of garbage was causing river pollution and people were suffering. Devotees visiting Alandi have to bear the foul smell emanating from the garbage. Patil had demanded that the garbage be cleared and such activity be stopped.

Municipal council president Kurhade on Tuesday told the TOI that the civic body had no land for garbage dumping. He said that the AMC had earlier sought land from the state government for a garbage depot and the district collector had allotted a 10-hectare land. But, the Sant Dnyaneshwar Devsthan got a stay on garbage dumping from the district court.