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Anti-malaria teams lying dormant since inception

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The Deccan Herald  23.11.2010

Anti-malaria teams lying dormant since inception

Akshatha M, Mangalore, Nov 22, DHNS:

Senior scientist Dr S K Ghosh issues new guidelines

The teams that were formed by the Mangalore City Corporation three months ago to combat malaria cases in the City have been defunct since their inception.

A comprehensive plan was chalked out by MCC under the guidance of a senior scientist from National Institute of Malaria Research Centre Dr S K Ghosh at a workshop on Prevention of Contagious Diseases held at City Corporation, on September 3, 2010.

Following this, six teams were formed by MCC, each team consisting of a health centre, medical college, medical officer, NSS members, Nursing College students and a Nodal Officer to supervise the activities. Unfortunately, none of the teams have started functioning owing to the absence of guidelines and required direction from the medical officer in-charge of Malaria.

As per the initial plan all the teams were expected to conduct weekly meetings to discuss the programmes and implement methods to control the disease. It was also decided to hold monthly meetings in the presence of the MCC Commissioner, Assistant Health officer and District Malaria officer but no move has been taken place so far.

‘No work taken up’

Dr S K Ghosh who was in the city to review the teams’ works couple of days back, was surprised to learn that his suggestions were not implemented.

Speaking to Deccan Herald, Dr Ghosh said that the plan of action laid down by MCC to bring awareness among the citizens and to control the spread of Malaria in the city, was first of its kind in the State.

“If the programme is implemented successfully in Mangalore, then it could be replicated in other cities. When I enquired about the status of work, much to my disappointment no work has taken place till date. The blame game was on and after having known that the teams were waiting for guidelines, I have prepared a list of guidelines for implementing the activities,” said Dr Ghosh.


Some of the guidelines as mentioned by Dr Ghosh include awareness on malaria control among the building owners, carrying out anti-larva operations, compulsory blood check up for migrant labourers once in 15 days, community awareness programmes etc.

“Few years ago labourers were given with mandatory yellow cards, which are not being issued to them now. The labour department should study the situation and issue cards to the labourerss,” said Dr Ghosh.

When contacted Assistant Health Officer Dr Ragunath said that they could not work effectively with the teams owing to various impediments but the teams will start their work in full throttle soon.

“We have received fresh guidelines from Dr Ghosh and the circular will be issued to all the teams at the earliest. We intend to kick start the work in December,” informed Dr Ragunath. However he was apprehensive about the involvement of building owners in accomplishing the task.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 23 November 2010 09:11