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‘We need a sanitation revolution here'

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The Hindu  26.11.2010

‘We need a sanitation revolution here'

Staff Reporter

There are more mobile users than toilet users in India, says Suresh Kumar

'People want their leaders to solve their problems'

City corporations to be judged for ‘Best Corporation Award'

Hygiene matters:Minister for Urban Development S. Suresh Kumar (second from right) at the workshop on city sanitation held in Bangalore on Thursday.

Bangalore: The Government will judge the eight city corporations in the State on various parameters for the Best Corporation Award, said Minister for Urban Development S. Suresh Kumar.

Speaking at the inauguration of the workshop on ‘City Sanitation Plan' here on Thursday, the Minister said a final decision on the award would be taken on December 8. The workshop was organised by the State Government's Directorate of Municipal Administration, Union Ministry of Urban Development, Administrative Staff College of India and City Manager's Association, Karnataka.

“It is unfortunate that we have not made sanitation our priority. This is evident as according to a recent report, there are more mobile users than toilet users in the country. Sanitation does not only mean using toilets; it also includes efficient solid waste management, underground drainage network, and keeping our cities and towns clean,” he said.

A nationwide Union Urban Development ministry exercise, called the National City Rating, under the ambitious National Urban Sanitation Policy, rated 423 urban conglomerates, including 24 in Karnataka. Mysore secured the second place, while the eighth, 12th, 15th and 22nd positions went to Bangalore, Mangalore, Mandya and Bidar respectively.

“We must strive to secure the first position next year. We must work towards this end without mixing politics. The election results in Bihar has sent out a strong message. People want elected representatives to solve their problems,” he added. Mr. Suresh Kumar said the Directorate of Urban Development has taken two important initiatives with regard to improving sanitation standards. Under the Nirmala Ganga scheme, all city corporations must take steps to provide free underground drainage and water connections to all the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes families. “Also, to put an end to manual cleaning of manholes, mechanised cleaning has been introduced in all the eight city corporations,” he said.


A. Ravindra, Adviser to Chief Minister on Urban Affairs, said that sanitation has been given importance in the State Government's Urban Development Policy. “The policy has already been discussed and will soon be approved by the Cabinet shortly,” he said.

Though India is one of the largest economies in the world, it is backward when it comes to sanitation.

“We need a sanitation revolution in the country. There is a need to create public awareness and use innovative and low-cost technologies for better sanitation,” he said.

Last Updated on Friday, 26 November 2010 09:06