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Civic body to spruce up Night Food Street

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Indian Express    15.12.2010

Civic body to spruce up Night Food Street

Tags : Municipal Corporation, Night Food Street Posted: Wed Dec 15 2010, 04:23 hrs

More streetlights will be installed and the area will be landscaped’ express News Service

Chandigarh, Dec 14 ,Landscaping of the area, putting up more streetlights and installation of sheds the Municipal Corporation has chalked out a plan for sprucing up the Night Food Street. The steps are being taken after demand from the kiosk owners that certain changes be introduced.

The Night Food Street had remained closed for four days from December 4 after a raid was conducted by the officials from the UT Administration and unhygienic conditions were found at the food street. A large quantity of eatables had also been destroyed.

Following this, the kiosk owners had given a representation to the Municipal Corporation asking for the kiosks to be taken back and their security deposits returned. However, after a firm stand was taken by the civic body the contractors got back to work. The were assured that their grouses about the conditions of the Food Street would be looked into.

Municipal Corporation has now decided that the canopies of the kiosks would be replaced. The kiosk owners had complained about leakages. To tide over the problem they had covered the canopies with tarpaulin that did not present a pretty picture.

Another proposal is that the seating area could be provided with some cover. At present the seating area does not have any cover that poses a problem during rains with the customers being at the mercy of the weather. There is a proposal to landscape the area by providing plantation. Inadequate lighting in the area were another issue of concern. To tide over the problem additional lights have been installed. 

A kiosk owner says, “We were given assurances by the Municipal Corporation that the area would be spruced up. We had been bringing the issue of lack of maintenance to the notice of the authorities earlier also. However, no action had been taken.”

Councillor Pardeep Chhabra, meanwhile, said the food street would be spruced up. “Certain improvements have been suggested in the area. The facilities that are to be provided by the civic body would be provided. The aim is to provide a conducive environment for the residents to come to the food street,” he said.