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Nod for purchase of anti-mosquito breeding provisions

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The Hindu        10.03.2011

Nod for purchase of anti-mosquito breeding provisions

Staff Reporter

After the process for purchasing anti-mosquito breeding provisions was stalled earlier this month by the Municipal Corporation of Delhi owing to question marks being raised over the procurement process, the decks were cleared for the same at a meeting of the Standing Committee on Wednesday.

In its bid to prevent the outbreak of malaria, dengue and other diseases the civic body would now be purchasing 1,40,000 kg of temephos granules worth Rs.50.08 lakh to prevent breeding in clean stagnant water in coolers and uncovered overhead tanks, 40 tonnes of malathion technical worth Rs.57.64 lakh used for fogging operation to kill adult mosquitoes, 5,400 litres of pyrethrum extract worth Rs.76.43 lakh for spraying to kill adult mosquitoes by mixing it with kerosene oil and 2,75,000 litres of bio-larvicides worth Rs.27.22 lakh.

At its earlier meeting held on March 1, the civic body had postponed the items relating to these purchases following a debate by municipal councillors over roping in of government-owned enterprise HLL as a consultant for the procurement process instead of the MCD directly acquiring these anti-mosquito breeding provisions. As per the proposals, in all the cases, HLL would fix the rate of procurement and the supplier agency for one year and get 2 per cent as consultancy charge.

Essential purchases

However, MCD Standing Committee chairman Yogender Chandolia said the procurement was being given the go-ahead for now keeping in view the fact that these were essential purchases and would be needed for undertaking anti-mosquito breeding operations slated to begin soon. “We have, however, asked our Health Department to improve their technical prowess and look into why the MCD has to pay consultancy charges to another agency instead of making the purchases themselves,” he added.