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Civic body to intensify anti-mosquito drive

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The Hindu          11.03.2011

Civic body to intensify anti-mosquito drive

Staff Reporter

To seek poll panel permission for its implementation

The Kochi Corporation will seek the permission of the State Election Commission to purchase fogging machines and implementing anti-mosquito drive in the city.

Tender process

The corporation will complete the tender process to purchase fogging machines and flush the city drains with saline water on March 23. However, it will require the permission of the commission as the model code of conduct is in force, said T.K. Ashraf, chairman of the Health Standing Committee of the Kochi Corporation.


The councillors had severely criticised the corporation in its council meeting held last week on this issue. The opposition councillors demanded stern action to curb the menace.

Some of the councillors also stated that the corporation cannot run away from its responsibilities by blaming the previous regime.

“We hope that the commission would consider the request as they are part of an ongoing process,” Mr. Ashraf said.

Paper works completed

Anticipating that the election would be declared during the first week of March, the paper works for the purchase of machines and other facilities were completed in January.

The drains were not flushed out with saline water last year due to some technical problems. The civic authorities plan to deploy one fogging machine each in all the 22 Health circles of the corporation.

The remaining three would be kept as standby machines. Presently, the fogging operations are carried out using just three machines.

Of the three, two are operating in the eastern area of the city and one in the west Kochi area. The health officials of the corporation have completed the groundwork for covering the air pipes of septic tanks with nets.

Tender for the purchase of nets will be floated this week itself, Mr. Ashraf said.

Leaky tanks

The leaky tanks are breeding ground for mosquitoes, and residents' associations in the locality had demanded action against this.

Officials deputed

The corporation has deputed two officials of the Health Department to coordinate and monitor the drive in the city.

They will track the movement of vehicles mounted with fogging machines.

With the deployment of the fogging machines, use of pesticides and regular flushing of drains using saline water, the menace can be curbed, he hoped.

  • Plan to purchase more fogging machines
  • City drains to be flushed with saline water