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Mayor under a fog over corp's anti-mosquito drive

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The Times of India           22.12.2011

Mayor under a fog over corp's anti-mosquito drive

KOCHI: The city corporation council meeting that was held on Wednesday saw councillors accusing the mayor for not implementing enough measures to tackle the growing mosquito menace and garbage disposal issues in Kochi. K V Manoj, chairman for Kaloor south, raised the issue which was supported by the members of the opposition.

Manoj said that the fogging operation should have started in September, but even after two months the city was yet to witness it. People had started complaining about the growing mosquito menace, he said. "The corporation's plan to use fogging machines on cycles and operate it across the city is not practical considering the area to be covered," K J Jacob, leader of the opposition, said. Jacob asked the chairman of the health committee to visit various areas in the city and get a grip on the matter.

Mayor Tony Chammany, however, said that the corporation would introduce handheld fogging machines and those installed on cycles in the inner areas of the city. The effort was to fog each and every corner of the city and 25 fogging machines had been acquired recently for the purpose. Fogging, with the help of cycles, was on experimental basis and all health circles were expected to provide their support.

The opposition members also raised the issue of the high court instructing the corporation to meet and explain the waste disposal system of the city. "The city has failed to gain self-sustainability in dealing with the waste produced by the city. Also, dumping of garbage on road sides has increased and it is no wonder that the judiciary is worried about it. The public will place councilors accountable for the growing menace and it is the duty of the mayor to take steps to eradicate the problem," Jacob said during the council meeting.

"The high court has invited the corporation to discuss the issue and we believe that the judiciary's interest in the subject would help the corporation a lot. We have night patrols doing the rounds in the city to nab those dumping garbage in public spots and after the high court's invitation, the police department is showing a keen interest in helping our squad," Tony Chammany replied. He added that the corporation would launch a one-year awareness programme on December 23 to spread the message of the need for a clean environment.

The mayor said that 159 buildings which had flouted rules related to construction of illegal structures had been given notices and strict action would be taken by the corporation soon.

The city corporation council meeting that was held on Wednesday saw councillors accusing the Mayor for not implementing measures to tackle the growing mosquito menace and garbage disposal in Kochi. KV Manoj, chairman for Kaloor South raised the issue which was supported by members of opposition.

KV Manoj pointed out that fogging operations should have started in the month of September, but even after two months the city is yet to witness it. Due to this people across the city have started complaining about the increase in mosquito population. Corporation's plan to fit the recently acquired fogging machines on cycles and operate it across the city is not practical considering the area to be covered. Supporting his argument KJ Jacob, leader of opposition asked the chairman of health committee to visit the various areas in the city and get a grip on the matter.

Answering the raised question, Mayor Tony Chammany said that this time, alongside fogging operations using bigger vehicles in main roads, corporation would introduce handheld fogging machines and those installed on cycles in the inner areas of the city. The effort is to fog each nook and corner of the city and 25 fogging machines have been acquired recently for the purpose. Fogging by cycles is purely on experimental basis and all health circles are expected to give their support.

Opposition members also raised the issue of High Court instructing Corporation to meet and explain about the waste disposal system of the city.

"The city has failed to gain self-sustainability in dealing with the waste produced by the city. Also dumping garbage on road sides have increased and it is no wonder that the judiciary is worried about it. Public would place councillors accountable for the growing menace and it is the duty of the Mayor to take steps to eradicate the problem," KJ Jacob said during the council meeting.

To this, the Mayor explained that the instruction of High Court should be seen on a positive note. "High Court invited corporation to discuss the issue and we believe that judiciary's interest in the subject would help Corporation a lot. We have night patrols doing rounds in the city to nab those dumping garbage in public spots and after HC invited us, the police department is showing keen interest in helping our squad," Tony Chammany said. He added that corporation will launch a one year awareness program on December 23 to spread the message of 'Clean Environment'.

Mayor also brought to the notice that the 159 buildings which have flouted rules to construct illegal structures have been given notification and strict action will be taken by corporation soon.