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Clean city drive from August 1

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The Times of India    26.07.2012

Clean city drive from August 1

BHUBANESWAR: The Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) and health department will jointly kick-start a special sanitation drive-cum-campaign here from August 1.

 It will continue till August 15. The event is likely to be inaugurated by chief minister Naveen Patnaik. "We will cover four wards everyday. The health department will provide us 125 volunteers to carry out the special cleaning drive," BMC commissioner Vishal Dev said.

The event will serve dual purpose of spreading awareness about environment and sensitizing people about measures to prevent malaria, filaria and dengue.

"We would seek the help of resident welfare associations and schoolchildren to make it a success," Dev said. Volunteers would distribute leaflets among people to keep their environment clean. Thrust of the sanitation drive would be on cleaning of drains.

Citizens are critical of the BMC for not carrying out cleaning programmes at regular intervals.Referring to the failed "clean Bhubaneswar" campaign, they said the sanitation campaign would fail to yield result.

"The clean Bhubaneswar campaign has started with a bang, but ended with a whimper. Drains and roads would be cleaned regularly," Jnyanendra Mishra, a Saheed Nagar resident said.BMC commissioner said the clean Bhubaneswar campaign was discontinued after the programme's partner disassociated from the scheme recently.





Last Updated on Thursday, 26 July 2012 11:28