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Sec 40 submerged in waste water

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The Times of India   27.07.2012

Sec 40 submerged in waste water

GURGAON: Residents of Sector 40 have been facing problems of sewage overflow for about a year now. But the problem crosses all limits when it comes to house number 446. All plots around that house are flooded with sewage waste. Officials say that the combination of rainwater and sewage has resulted in the flooding.

The manhole, beside house number 446 owned by Pandalai, has been oozing human waste almost every day. The plot right beside her house is always filled with waste and has raised a major hygiene concern in that area. Apart from the repulsive odour in the environment, the overflowing sewage is also inviting diseases. No matter how many times a day the technician comes and fixes it, the problem does not seem to go away.
"I just want to know live my old age in peace. I love going on walks, but with the current circumstances, I don't even feel like stepping out of my house," said Pandalai.

HUDA administrator Praveen Kumar had also visited the site a couple of months back. He got the sewage logged plots filled with sand but the situation has again come back to square one. On Wednesday, Sarvesh Joon of HUDA visited the site and promised to tackle the situation.

He reached the spot, with other officials from different departments and assessed each and every problem that Pandali and other residents were facing.

The house is located at the end of the road, with the land beyond it termed as release land. The land doesn't come under the direct jurisdiction of HUDA and the land owner has built small quarters for labourers, mostly from Bihar, where they can stay at very cheap prices.

These quarters, apart from being poorly ventilated, lack sanitation facilities. For over 50 residents in those tiny box-like quarters, there is just the one common toilet. The people residing there often relieve themselves in nearby empty plots when the toilet is occupied, making the environment of the locality very unpleasant. Not only this, the sewage waste from the bathroom also flows into the adjacent plots.
With time, grass has grown over the sewage logged plots, which in turn, has invited a lot of local pigs into the locality. These pigs live on the area overflowing with sewage. "These pigs have been a major menace and have driven me crazy. If it wasn't for the sewage overflow; the pigs wouldn't have been a problem in the first place." added Mrs.

Last Updated on Friday, 27 July 2012 09:34