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BBMP fines builder for breeding mosquitoes

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The Times of India    27.07.2012

BBMP fines builder for breeding mosquitoes

BANGALORE: The BBMP team on Thursday found a private builder who has kept his premises unclean, which became breeding ground for mosquitoes, and slapped him with a fine of Rs 25,000. Residents also pointed out how the machineries and unclean compound caused stench and poses health hazards to thousands of them.

The Palike has constituted a team to survey larvae breeding in 198 wards of the city. Every day at least 50 buildings in each ward will be inspected to cover all the 20 lakh buildings in the city. The survey will begin from July 30. If required, BBMP will take up fogging and other preventive measures to avoid the spread of dengue. On Thursday, BBMP east zonal medical officers inspected 6,425 houses in Sampangiramnagar and Sayapuram.

Last Updated on Friday, 27 July 2012 12:04