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e-toilet likely to be launched within a week

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The Hindu    04.08.2012

e-toilet likely to be launched within a week

Staff Reporter

Electricity, water supply connections pending

Awaiting launch:The e-toilet that is being installed at Thirunakkara in Kottayam.
Awaiting launch:The e-toilet that is being installed at Thirunakkara in Kottayam.

The installation of the e-toilet beside the Thirunakkara ground in Kottayam Municipality has entered its final phase and is likely to be commissioned within a week.

The facility is being installed by the Kerala State Electronics Development Corporation (Keltron). While the unit has already been installed, the electricity and water supply connections are still pending. Municipal Standing committee (Health) chairman V.K. Anil Kumar expressed optimism that the pending work could be completed within a few days’ time, thereby paving way for the launch within a week.

The e-toilet has been installed at a cost of Rs.4.5 crore, of which the municipality has already handed over Rs.2 lakh from its own fund, according to Mr. Kumar.

In order to prevent anti-social activities, the municipality is considering the proposal of hiring a security guard for the facility, he said. There is a proposal to award the maintenance contract of the e-toilet to Keltron for a certain period. However, proposals in this regard are yet to be discussed by the municipal council, he said.

The facility, if implemented without glitches, is expected to be highly useful for passers-by and commuters frequenting Thirunakkara ground, which is located in the heart of Kottayam town.

Last Updated on Saturday, 04 August 2012 06:13