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Pollution Control Board makes sewerage treatment plant (STP) a must in hospitals

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The Times of India   18.08.2012

Pollution Control Board makes sewerage treatment plant (STP) a must in hospitals

HYDERABAD: The Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board (APPCB) has now made it mandatory for all healthcare establishments in the state, with 100 or more beds, to maintain a sewerage treatment plant (STP) on their premises. A decision to this effect was taken during the board's bio-medical technical committee meeting held late on Thursday evening. The committee also agreed to impose a strict approval procedure for healthcare institutions wherein all such establishments will have to procure an authorization certificate from the board before starting operations. This, officials said,

was done in order to protect the environment and public health.

Healthcare establishments with 25 and more beds have to now obtain a 'consent for operation' certificate, the committee ruled, and also have sufficient provision for establishing a STP. Those connected to municipal common bio-medical waste treatment facilities, however, have no such compulsions. They have to only ensure proper flow of bio-medical waste in to these facilities., the committee observed.

The new regulations were communicated to all regional offices of the PCB.

The meeting was presided over by M Ravi Chandra, member secretary, PCB and was attended by representatives, other health officials, senior PCB members and private hospital managements.

Last Updated on Saturday, 18 August 2012 06:39