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City Corporation on guard

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The New Indian Express                11.05.2013

City Corporation on guard

Depositing fish in ponds, wells and drains to prevent breeding of mosquitoes and supplying rat poison to control rodent population and spread of rat fever, the City Corporation will fan out across the city with different methods for the prevention of diseases and ensure cleanliness before the onset of the monsoon this year. The measures were announced in a press conference convened by Mayor K Chandrika here on Friday.

 May 12, 19 and 29  will be observed as ‘Dry Days.’ ASHA volunteers, health workers and residents’ associations will join hands and visit houses and institutions for source-level eradication of mosquitoes. Tyres lying abandoned on roads will be removed. Legal procedures will be initiated on finding mosquitoes breeding at construction sites.  

 Anti-larvicide spraying will be intensified in public places and drains. As part of the Corporation’s ‘Bye-bye mosquito’ project, Kudumbashree workers will do spraying and fogging weekly once at households on remitting Rs 5 per house. At the houses of sick people, indoor fogging will be carried out.

 District Collector K N Satheesh, speaking at the press conference, alerted people of the possible spread of dengue fever to the city from the suburbs, in the wake of identifying more number of dengue cases in Thiruvananthapuram. He asked city residents to take measures to prevent mosquitoes from breeding in fresh water at home.

Pre-monsoon Cleaning Drive

On all Fridays, from 3 pm to 5 pm, source-level cleaning drive will be carried out. To ensure smooth flow of water and cleaning of drains as part of the drive, Rs 25 lakh will be spent altogether and the wards will get Rs 25,000 each. Each ward can also utilise Rs 10,000 from NRHM funds for the purpose.

 Awareness will be given through media regarding cleaning, prevention of mosquitoes and monsoon diseases. Awareness campaigns are to be held in educational institutions too.

 The cooperation of the Departments of Major Irrigation, Minor Irrigation, PWD, National Highway, Road Fund Board, Kerala Water Authority, Inland Navigation, Revenue, Health and Education will also be ensured.