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Pig shifting is a big challenge for HDMC

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The Times of India              27.05.2013

Pig shifting is a big challenge for HDMC

HUBLI: The HDMC officials are struggling to tackle the pig menace as they are facing many hurdles in shifting these animals from the city.

HDMC officials have conducted many drives and programmes for the past many years to get rid of the pigs from the twin cities, but all their efforts have failed in the absence of lack of co-operation from public and some organizations which are supporting the pig owners.

YS Patil, commissioner, HDMC, said: "We initiated many programmes to eradicate pigs from the city but we are facing many hurdles. We had totally eradicated pigs from some wards. But after some days, we see pigs entering these areas again.''

The drives to shift pigs from the twin cities are not successful and pig owners are to blame. They shift their pigs from city central areas to outskirts. After a few days, they leave these pigs in the same areas as before, say sources. This has become big challenge for HDMC, and officials are unable to find any permanent solution.

People's co-operation is very important in eradication of pigs. People should not dump food items and garbage near roadside. Instead they should hand over the garbage to the civic workers who come to their doorstep to collect it. If pigs don't find food, their owners will shift them from the city,'' said commissioner Patil.

According to sources, some organizations had written to the Karnataka State Human Rights Commission alleging that HDMC was poisoning pigs in the city. When the commission sought clarification, HDMC replied that it had not taken any action to kill pigs which was against law. And that it gave pig owners time to shift the pigs from the city.

Former mayor Pandurang Patil said: "Even after issuing many notices and warnings, pig owners have not acted. They seek time to shift the pigs, but in reality they are not shifting them."