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Civic body mulls monsoon health plan

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The Times of India               06.06.2013

Civic body mulls monsoon health plan

AHMEDABAD: The health department of the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) has been in a huddle in a series of closed-door meetings to discuss the pre-monsoon preparedness related to mosquito control and disease surveillance. During monsoons, diseases like swine flu, malaria, and dengue become prevalent.

A detailed, ward-wise scheme for health and link-worker duties was drawn up in the meetings. In the coming days, collection of blood smears, distribution of malaria-preventive medicines, and the identification of fever cases will be intensified. A comprehensive plan has been devised for swine flu too.

After receiving flak from the high court following the increasing incidence of mosquito-borne diseases last year and then the second onslaught of swine flu, the AMC's health department is treading carefully. The medicine stocks available in various urban health centres were taken account of. A daily disease monitoring of OPD cases in private and government hospitals has been necessitated. "We will make sure that no water puddles or temporary storage during monsoons breed mosquitoes," says a senior AMC health official. "We have a special squad that will visit construction sites and as most activities are stalled here during monsoons."