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VMC gears up to prevent spread of seasonal diseases

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The Hindu               13.06.2013

VMC gears up to prevent spread of seasonal diseases

Speed up de-silting works on a war-footing and ensure there is no stagnation of water on roads and in drainsG.S. Panda DasVMC Commissioner
Speed up de-silting works on a war-footing and ensure there is no stagnation of water on roads and in drainsG.S. Panda DasVMC Commissioner

With the onset of monsoon, the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation is gearing up to prevent the spread of seasonal diseases.

The corporation has set up a toll-free number — 1800 425 2000 — to enable people to inform it on the incidence of fevers, malaria, dengue, and other vector-borne diseases, if any.

Municipal Commissioner G.S. Panda Das said the VMC had asked managements of hospitals and clinics to inform malaria and dengue cases reported in their institutions without fail.

Advice to RMPs

RMP doctors were advised to provide only first-aid to patients. They should invariably send the patients to the Urban Health Centres maintained by the corporation and also inform the health wing officials about the incidence, he said.

The VMC has decided to tackle the mosquito menace with Gambusia affinis, a fish that feeds on mosquito larva. The decision has been taken as water stagnation is common during monsoon. Dumping a large number of Gambusia affinis in water bodies is an eco-friendly process of controlling mosquitoes, officials say.

Mr. Panda Das asked the officials to speed up de-silting works on a war-footing. Storm water should flow freely in drains at any place in the city.

There should not be stagnation of storm water on roads and drains, he said.

Meanwhile, CPI(M) city secretary Ch. Babu Rao said tens of people died due to viral fevers. Mosquitoes were rampant in the city with onset of monsoon, he said. He urged the corporation to initiate steps to prevent the spread malaria by recruiting staff in health wing.

Speed up de-silting works on a war-footing and ensure there is no stagnation of water on roads and in drains

G.S. Panda Das VMC Commissioner People can call toll-free number 1800 425 2000 and reports incidence of any vector-borne disease.