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Surat Municipal Corporation starts clean-up drive in city

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The Times of India              18.06.2013

Surat Municipal Corporation starts clean-up drive in city

SURAT: With cases of vector-borne diseases like malaria, fever and dengue on the rise in the Diamond City, the health department of Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC) has started a campaign against mosquitoes.

Health officials had conducted a surprise checking at a well-known school in the city on Saturday and found breeding ground for aedes mosquitoes that spread dengue and chikungunya.

Health official slapped a fine amounting to Rs 51,000 on the school authorities for their negligence and risking the health of tens of hundreds of students. In the past few days, the health department has raided thousands of households, commercial premises, schools, etc., to control the spread of mosquitoes.

Dr Ashish Naik, deputy health officer, Athwa zone, said, "We have started regular exercises in the residential houses, schools, commercial business etc. to check for mosquito breeding. Residents are being educated on taking precautions." Aedes mosquitoes lay their eggs in clear and clean water and not in contaminated water. Hence, the civic officials would either pour or spray temephos or use a repellant in water storage tanks, water coolers, pans in fridge, fountains, sun shades, roof gutters, discarded buckets, plastic cups, uncovered overhead tanks, tyres and flower vases.

He said showers and waterlogging in low-lying areas have created conducive conditions for breeding of the mosquitoes and people should be educated about preventing mosquito breeding.