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Corporation seeks 300 more cleaning workers

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The New Indian Express            10.07.2013

Corporation seeks 300 more cleaning workers

The Corporation Council here on Tuesday approved the resolution demanding that the government should appoint on daily-wage basis 300 more cleaning workers to manage the garbage generated in the city.

The resolution also said that the workers in the Vilappilsala waste treatment plant, who turned jobless following its closure, can also be appointed on a seniority basis as cleaning workers directly if they demand. The present strength, 757, has been existing since there were only 50 wards in the Corporation and it is insufficient to meet the garbage crisis when the number of wards have doubled and in the present situation, of an absence of centralised waste treatment plant.

The once-announced hologram affixing project on plastic carry bags will also be resumed soon and a meeting in this regard is planned to be convened with traders coming Friday. A decision towards transporting the plastic waste also will be announced soon. On a demand to check the wayside eateries operating in unhygienic conditions in the city, Health Standing Committee chairperson S Pushpalatha told the council that, within the limitations of the civic body, it will act tough.

On the demand to make the dog-catching squad active, she informed the council that several proposals have been submitted to the government which are awaiting approval, and also pointed out the absence of a veterinary doctor in the Corporation. The bye-bye mosquito scheme for the eradication of mosquitoes will also have a launch with the arrival of hand pumps.

All resolutions, presented in the council meeting, were approved.