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Drive in schools for dengue screening

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The New Indian Express             27.08.2013

Drive in schools for dengue screening

GHMC mayor, M Majid Hussain on Monday expressed his dissatisfaction with the activities of the entomology wing and further directed them to take up a special drive in each and every school from Tuesday to check dengue cases as well as viral fevers.

He lashed out at the entomology wing officials of the GHMC for submitting an incorrect report.

The mayor who held a review meeting with entomology officials with regard to seasonal diseases in his chamber here on Monday, said that he visited two dengue patients at Lotus Hospital on Sunday, one of whom arrived from his own division i.e., Ahmednagar division. He directed the assistant entomology, circle-7 to be careful while handing over incorrect information to higher officials. He directed the chief entomologist to issue a charge memo to assistant entomologist, Circle-7 for providing wrong information.

He further directed the chief entomologist to furnish a list on a hospital-wise basis by Tuesday. He further added that in case of any variation between the official list and hospital list, the concerned assistant entomologist will be issued a charge memo. Chief entomologist, Venkatesh, explained the mayor that the GHMC has intensified the IEC activities (awareness programmes) and have also taken up door-to-door anti-larval operations.

The mayor enquired about Rs10 crore budget for dengue prevention, which was allocated in view of sudden increase in the number of dengue cases last year (604).

He warned officials that if he starts verifying the details of diesel and material (diverted from regular business), the officials will land in trouble. 

The mayor further enquired about the benami (fictitious) workers and directed the chief entomologist to furnish the unit-wise details by Tuesday along with the phone number of each worker in order to get verify with the concerned corporator or through a private agency. He further informed that the list furnished by the chief entomologist should tally with the field-staff, failure of which will lead to stern action against the chief entomologist, he added.