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Action plan to control dengue

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The Hindu               05.09.2013

Action plan to control dengue

Special Correspondent

A fortnight-long special action plan has been formulated for the capital city, which continues to bear the brunt of over 70 per cent of the total dengue case burden of the entire State. The district had reported around 450 confirmed cases of dengue in May, which rose to over 1,000 confirmed cases each in the months of June and July.

In August, the number of confirmed dengue cases came down to 470 after the district health administration launched an intensive action plan focussing on 10 hot spots for dengue in the district, with a health official put in charge of the control measures in each area. The same strategy is to be adopted for the high-risk spots identified in the 40 Corporation wards where the Health Services field workers do not have a presence. All control activities will be coordinated by a team of health officials, including the Corporation’s Health Officer, officials from the district medical office and the Surveillance Unit and one faculty member of Community Medicine of the MCH.