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Cleanliness drive continues

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The New Indian Express               08.10.2013

Cleanliness drive continues

NCC cadets of Surana College at the cleanliness drive at K R Market on Monday | Express Photo
NCC cadets of Surana College at the cleanliness drive at K R Market on Monday | Express Photo

The NSS and the NCC members of Surana College and Karnataka Rajya Dalitha Kriya Samithi members took part in the K R Market cleanliness drive organised by the BBMP here on Monday.

Mayor B S Sathyanarayana, who also participated in the drive, said “We are in the fourth week of the cleanliness drive. But the vendors and shopkeepers at K R Market have not made up their mind to keep the surroundings clean. It is only students who are cleaning the premises. It is a bad sign”.

Expressing disappointment at the vendors’ lukewarm response, he told them, “Won’t you feel bad when your own children come and pick plastic at public places?”

The Mayor said fruit sellers on Sethu Rao street throw waste on footpaths even after being warned, putting the public to inconvenience.

Y R Gowramma, chairperson of the BBMP’s Standing Committee on Markets, said,  “Cleanliness drives will not be successful unless shopkeepers, the administration and the public work hand in hand to maintain surroundings. If this happens, all problems at the market will be solved shortly.”

Sri Rajinikanth Samithi and Sri Jyothi International College will participate in the drive on October 14 and 21 respectively.