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City records dip in dengue, malaria cases

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The Indian Express      20.11.2013

City records dip in dengue, malaria cases

A slight dip in malaria and dengue cases in the city was recorded this month by the civic health department. While last month, 189 dengue and 1,000 malaria cases were recorded, this month the count has dropped to 50 and 357 so far.

According to data provided by BMC, October recorded the maximum cases of dengue this year due to prolonged rains.

However, last week's records show 25 dengue cases as against 40 cases reported last month from various civic hospitals.

According to Dr Om Srivastava, head of infectious diseases department at Jaslok hospital, the dengue cases rise in every three-four years with a set pattern observed in the Aedes Agypti mosquito's attack.

However, this year, the cases were unusually high.

Meanwhile, the civic health department reported a total of 2,021 fever, two leptospirosis, 207 gastroenteritis, 32 typhoid and 27 hepatitis cases across the city last week.