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Mandya CMC decides to release stray dogs in forests

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Deccan Herald              19.12.2013

Mandya CMC decides to release stray dogs in forests

An unanimous decision was taken on trapping stray dogs and releasing them in forests, at the City Municipal Council (CMC) meeting, here, on Wednesday.

Speaking on the occasion, CMC President B Siddaraju said, the operation would begin at the earliest to curb the stray dog menace in the city, though it is not approved by animal activists and considered a crime. It was supported by other members too.

Councillor K C Ravindra said, it is necessary to act swiftly before the public vent their ire against the CMC, alleging negligence. 

Another member Mahesh Krishna said, though sterilisation is recommended to solve the problem, it would only curb reproduction of canines, but what to do with the existing canine population.

Siddaraju said, there is no sufficient funds in the CMC for sterilisation and no contractor shows interest to apply for tenders. The issue would be discussed in the state-level to arrive at a decision soon, he said.

Discussions were also held on the eviction of footpath vendors and providing an alternative place for them.