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HUDA plans to hand over sanitation job to RWAs

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The Times of India             12.02.2014

HUDA plans to hand over sanitation job to RWAs

GURGAON: Following the TOI report on irregularities in some tenders for the multi-crore sanitation project in HUDA colonies, the authority is now planning to hand over the work to RWAs of respective sectors instead of giving the job to a private contractor.

Confirming the move, HUDA administrator P C Meena said, "I'm drafting a proposal to overhaul the entire system of sanitation in HUDA sectors. In a nutshell it will be given to RWAs willing to take over the responsibility."

Sanitation of colonies in HUDA sectors will be better managed if the RWAs take up the job, he added. For maintenance of parks HUDA already has the system of paying the RWAs who are doing a decent job.

As per the proposal, RWAs will be allowed to take up the work instead of contractors in the colonies. The authority officials are working out the eligibility details for RWAs to take up sanitation work.

"RWAs will work in a better way because sanitation affects them most. They can engage professionals or volunteers for the work and HUDA will pay them."

The biggest hurdle in allowing RWAs take up sanitation work is the finances. HUDA is yet to calculate the rates applicable for the system in which RWAs will be given the job.

"The rates will be decided in consultation with RWAs, size of the sector and block," said the official.

Residents have, meanwhile, hailed the authority plan to hand them over sanitation work.

Meenu Singh, president of Sector 3 and 6 RWAs, said: "If there is such a plan then RWAs will be willing to take over sanitation work. We are fed up with the private contractors." Involvement of RWAs will bring greater vigilance and work quality at the ground level. "We are already managing the parks and you can see their upkeep," she added.

The proposal will be sent to the headquarters within the next two weeks for approval, said HUDA officials. "Once the proposal is cleared, RWAs will be called for the meeting to prepare a roadmap for handing over the task," said the HUDA official.