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Rs 19.37 lakh collected in fines for breaking sanitation rules

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The Times of India        16.09.2014

Rs 19.37 lakh collected in fines for breaking sanitation rules


AHMEDABAD: The health department of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation has filed 197 complaints of sanitation against various restaurants and eateries in concerned courts. The department has levied fines worth Rs 19.37 lakh for violation of health and sanitation rules at these places in the city.

Through mobile courts alone the corporation has collected a fine of Rs 5.25 lakh in the city. Data released by the health department of AMC reveals that cases of waterborne diseases, diarrhoea and vomiting' have increased in the city and 9,012 cases have been recorded in the first fortnight of September. Last year 9,111 cases were recorded in September. Apart from diarrhoea, as many as 104 cases of cholera were recorded in August in the city. However, not a single case of cholera has been registered during this month.

In case of vector-borne diseases, the health department has recorded 614 cases of malaria in the last two weeks. The cases of falciparum and dengue touched 143 in the city this month. The health department has collected over 6 lakh blood samples from various corners of the city to test for malaria.

The health department also conducted several raids in September during which it collected 184 food samples of which 15 were found to be contaminated and adulterated. AMC has served 1,299 notices for violating hygiene norms of food items and water used in restaurants.

In the last two weeks, AMC seized 7,705 kg of adulterated food products. The department also attended to 2,744 complaints related to health and sanitation.