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SDMC cleanliness drive to focus on awareness

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The Hindu           24.09.2014   

SDMC cleanliness drive to focus on awareness

This time around, the cleanliness campaign by the South Delhi civic body will focus on community participation.

A South Delhi Municipal Corporation official said on Tuesday that in the past, the drive would “be over with the leaders posing for photos with brooms”.

The drive, which will start on Thursday and go on till October 2, will focus on awareness and preventing littering, rather than just cleaning up after offenders. Commissioner Manish Gupta said: “If we can’t educate the population about not littering, then the drive will not work.”

With that in mind, the officials met representatives of 15 schools and colleges and 17 market associations on Tuesday. Mr. Gupta added that the NSS and NCC wings in educational institutions will also be roped in to inculcate good sanitation habits in students.

Meanwhile, the corporation has ramped up its action against litterbugs through issuance of challans.

The Corporation has set the target at 5,000 challans in each of its four zones from September 15 to September 25. The Corporation said 3,926 challans had been issued from September 9 till Tuesday.