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Govt. launches drive to clean up the Capital

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The Hindu      26.09.2014 

Govt. launches drive to clean up the Capital

People littering will be fined, vehicles wrongly parked will be impounded and strict action against defacement of property by unauthorised hoardings will be part of the special cleanliness drive that will kick off on Thursday in the Capital.

Lieutenant-Governor Najeeb Jung on Tuesday also directed the civic bodies to augment their manpower, vehicles and other resources for this drive and all officers have been asked to conduct continuous field visits. The Municipal Corporations will also identify critical dhalaos and open garbage dumping sites for the special clean-up schedule.

While citizens will be involved, so will RWAs, Traders’ Associations, market associations, industrial associations, youth, school children in the cleanliness and sanitation drive. “Citizens should come forward and participate wholeheartedly in helping us keep the city clean” said Mr. Jung.

The drive will also cover industrial areas and it is estimated that more than 600 trucks of malba and garbage lying there will be removed during this period that will stretch over a fortnight. The DDA will make special efforts to clear garbage and malba from its vacant plots, which are over 1,000 such spots. There will be special emphasise on repair and renovation of toilets, providing sewer and water connection and construction of new toilets, especially for women, the government said a statement.

Further, large bus depots, sanitation facilities and hospital premises will all be cleaned during this drive. “Crowded bazaars, weekly markets, daily markets, parking spaces, public toilets were flagged as special areas of focus,” added the statement.