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Corporates sink into middle age

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The Times of India 04.11.2009

Corporates sink into middle age

BANGALORE: How often have you come across obese corporate workers munching on a burger while talking on the phone? The burger-pizza culture and a sedentary working day is beginning to tell, with health issues in corporate Bangalore reaching an alarming level, according to a `health risk assessment study' conducted on more than 2,000 corporate workers in the city.

It is the 25-55 year age group that suffers the most -- the study shows a grim impact on corporate productivity and personal welfare. The study indicated that 37% of corporate citizens fall in the medium to high health risk category, with each suffering from three or more health problems -- the most common of them are high blood pressure, stress or high cholesterol. An evaluation of Body Mass Index (BMI) alone indicated that 32% of the respondents tend to be overweight or obese.

While 37% showed low risk of developing diabetes and cardiac problems, 63% showed moderate to high risk of both these major health problems.


M G Krishnamurthy, CEO, PeopleHealth, said: "The results are really worrying, especially when one considers the fact that more than 85% of the respondents in the survey belonged to the age group of 25-35. The cost of neglecting health is indeed very high -- both for the corporate world and for its citizens, individually. World over, it has been proven that poor health of employees has an adverse impact on corporate productivity. Therefore, it is in everyone's interest to take sustained remedial measures. At low-risk levels, there is a need for health maintenance, and for among those in the moderate to high-risk levels, a greater need for risk reduction. The importance of preventive health has never been higher."

Surprisingly, the main reason behind all these acquired ailments is low physical activity -- 33% fall in the moderate category.


The survey was conducted among 25-55 year olds with more than 85% being in the 25-35 age category

* 37% of corporate citizens fall in the medium-high risk category, and have 3 or more health problems -- high blood pressure, stress or high cholesterol are common

* 63% showed moderate to high risk of diabetes and cardiac problems

* 32% were overweight or obese

* 45% confessed to low levels of physical activity, with another 33% in the moderate category

* Lack of good health is seemingly taking a high toll on quality of life; 85% of respondents suffer from moderate to high levels of stress; only 7% confessed to leading a `happy life'
Last Updated on Wednesday, 04 November 2009 06:18