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H1N1: PMC submits proposal for 1,000 beds

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The Times of India 11.11.2009

H1N1: PMC submits proposal for 1,000 beds

PUNE: With swine flu claiming over 100 lives and a second wave imminent, the civic body-run hospitals and dispensaries are all set for a major facelift.

"A proposal for additional 1,000 beds, with 100 beds for intensive care units (ICUs), was recently submitted to the state government as part of the city's preparation for the possible second wave of the H1N1 flu," said R R Pardeshi, deputy health officer of the PMC. Importantly, none of the PMC hospitals has an ICU facility. This proposal is also in contrast to the civic body's earlier policy of slow and steady privatisation of medical facilities.

Confirming the plans, Devendra Shirole, former president of the state unit of Indian Medical Association (IMA) said, "This is a significant step. Now that the proposal has been submitted, the state government should expedite the process of granting an approval which, in turn, will help the civic body upgrade its health care system in view of the second wave."

"Thinking of strengthening the public healthcare system at a time when the pandemic has claimed over 100 lives is unfortunate. The decision should have been taken earlier. It's time PMC authorities realise the value of its own healthcare system," said cardiologist Abhijit Vaidya, who is the national chief of Arogya Sena - a social organisation that fights for common man's health rights.

On the state of affairs prevailing at the public healthcare centres all these years, Vaidya said the civic body invested little efforts and money to improve the long prevailing conditions like lack of medicines, absence of medical equipment, unhygienic conditions etc. Similarly, least attention was paid to upgrading facilities at these hospitals and dispensaries.

"Healthcare facilities at civic hospitals are virtually non-existent. The municipal administration seems to be gradually washing hands off this public responsibility. All this indicates to social welfare rollback policy of the PMC," said Vaidya.

The public health care network of the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has around 29 dispensaries, 14 maternity homes and two major hospitals. Besides, a few of these dispensaries and maternity homes also house family planning centres, mother-child care centre, immunisation centres, ant-rabies vaccine centre and projects of integrated child development centre.

"There has to be at least one nurse for every ten beds in a hospital. And 30 doctors for every 100-bed hospital. But most of these civic hospitals are short of nurses and doctors," said Vaidya.

Some of these civic hospitals, dispensaries and maternity homes are well constructed buildings. While some are old structures maintaining reasonably good shape even after so many years, said Vaidya.

Network of public health care system provided by the civic body:

* Dispensaries: 29

* Maternity Homes: 14

* Hospitals: 02

Total number of beds available: 775

Average annual bed occupancy : 500

Annual number of indoor patients: 19,104

Annual number of OPD patients: 23,150


Number of medical officers: 111

Nurses: 330

(Source: Office of health officer, Pune Municipal Corporation)