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Slaughtering to be confined to 2 new abattoirs

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The New Indian Express 03.12.2009

Slaughtering to be confined to 2 new abattoirs

CUTTACK: The dawn of 2010 could see an end to slaughtering and butchering of animals for meat in the open, on the roadsides or in the marketplaces of the millennium city.

With public slaughtering raising serious concerns and under the scanner of the Orissa High Court, the civic authorities have finally gone all out to facilitate slaughter houses and specific zones for meat sale.

Two slaughter houses would be made operational at Press Chhak and Gandhipalli by the month-end while another would follow at Sati Choura Chhak.

Presently there are only two slaughter houses at Kesharpur and Patapol.

The new houses with capacity of around 300 each per day would start off with the traditional slaughtering methods and be automated subsequently for addressing the concerns over cruelty and hygiene.

With electricity and water supply being provided, the facilities would be operational in a fortnight.

Construction of the other slaughter house at Sati Choura has assumed pace and would be ready in a few months, health officer of Cuttack Municipal Corporation Dr Niranjan Das said.

The civic body has also embarked on a survey to earmark suitable areas for sale of meat in the city.

While exclusive vending zones would be set up near the slaughter houses to cater to the directional localities, sale points would also be made available at various wards for the benefit of the consumers.

All selling points would have to be covered and beyond view of public moving in the vicinity.

“While curtailing the open slaughter of animals on the roadsides and openly is the top priority, we are working for providing the people with their requirements in their very locality in a much more dignified way,” Das said.

Animals are currently butchered indiscriminately in the open at major part of the city from the Press Chhak to all along the Ring Road and marketplaces.

The scene is disturbing and has a negative impact on the children, women and the frail.

According to conservative estimates, more than 5,000 animals are slaughtered in the city every week, including those in the two slaughter houses.

Last Updated on Thursday, 03 December 2009 11:34