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Mismanagement in AMC-run hospitals discussed in hospital panel meeting

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The Times of India 23.12.2009

Mismanagement in AMC-run hospitals discussed in hospital panel meeting

AHMEDABAD: The multiple alarming issues of poor infrastructure, costly equipment lying neglected and doctors missing from duty at Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation-run hospitals rocked the hospital committee meeting of the civic body on Tuesday.

The Opposition Congress members accused AMC authorities of mismanagement and wasting public money at AMC-run LG Hospital during the meeting.

Municipal corporator Shanti Panchal said, "Patients suffering from cardiac problems faced difficulties in getting them diagnosed. For the last three months, TMT machine for cardiography installed at a cost of Rs 10 lakh been lying unutilised. Many patients coming from low socio-economic background are left with no other option but to go to private hospitals for treatment," she said. AMC authorities have failed to recruit technician to operate the machine.

The audiology department of LG Hospital which has been defunct for the last five months was also discussed during the meeting. Member of committee, Iqbal Sheikh said, "The department was inaugurated by former governor after spending lakhs. But after three years of operation, it is lying in a neglected state with no dedicated staff to run it."

He added that at present, on an average 15 to 20 patients come for hearing aid problems. "In absence of the facility, they have to go to private hospitals or VS Hospital," he said.