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Dispose of the garbage, get paid for it

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Business Line 05.01.2010

Dispose of the garbage, get paid for it

Sree Sakthi launches waste recovery project in Kochi.

Our Bureau

Kochi, Jan. 4

The State Fisheries Minister, Mr S. Sarma, formally inaugurated the unique project, Battle For Waste Recovery, which promises a cleaner and greener city by recovering bio and non-biodegradable wastes through a door-to-door campaign.

The project is being implemented by Sree Sakthi Paper Mills Ltd in association with ITC Ltd and Kochi Corporation.

Mr Sarma said the initiative will go a long way in bringing about a cleaner environment. The Minister hoped that the project would prove a resounding success and would be expanded to the entire State soon.

Sree Sakthi Papers has already grounded the project in 7 wards within the Kochi Corporation. “The response we've received so far has been very encouraging. Within 3 months, we will cover the entire 71 wards of Kochi Corporation,” the Vice-Chairman and Managing Director of Sree Sakthi Papers, Mr S. Rajkumar, said.

Get paid for garbage

The project, battle for waste recovery, envisages door-to-door collection of old newspapers, waste papers, plastic and metallic wastes. “In the olden days, people had to pay for disposing of the garbage. But, in our case, we're going to pay them for giving us the garbage”, Mr Rajkumar said.

It is estimated that Kochi would churn out about 2500 tonnes of waste a month. Sree Sakthi Papers has set a moderate target of clearing 45 to 50 tonnes of waste a day to begin with.

Mr Rajkumar said the project, besides bringing about a healthy environment, was also an employment generating opportunity.

A waste collection team would visit households, commercial establishments at regular intervals for collecting the wastes. Each household/establishment would be provided with plastic bags in which paper, plastic and metallic wastes could be stored separately.

“Our people will regularly remove the wastes. Currently, waste paper products would be collected by paying Rs 4 a kg while plastic/metallic wastes would be paid Rs 2.50,” Mr Rajkumar said.

To ensure transparency, weight of the wastes would be taken separately using electronic balances. Proper receipts would be also issued for the wastes received and the money paid.

The inaugural function was presided over by the Mayor of Kochi Corporation, Ms Mercy Williams. The Deputy Mayor, Mr,C.K.Mani Shankar, delivered the welcome address.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 05 January 2010 02:20