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Work on storm water drains to begin soon

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The Hindu 06.01.2010

Work on storm water drains to begin soon

Staff Reporter

BHUBANESWAR: The State government said work on storm water drainage for Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) would begin soon.

“The Centre has already sanctioned Rs. 68.33 crores for storm water drainage in Bhubaneswar under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) scheme. Administrative clearance has already been given for the project. The Water Resource department will be implementing authority,” said a top official in urban development department.

Besides, an integrated sewerage project envisaging outlay of Rs. 754.23 crore is already being implemented in the capital city. While Rs. 498.91 cores has been received from JNNURM scheme, the Twelfth Finance Commission (TFC) Grant has provided Rs. 140 crores for the purpose.

He said Orissa Integrated Sanitation Improvement Project was going to be executed in Cuttack city for addressing water-logging and drainage problems on long-term basis. The State government has secured Rs. 757.44-crore loan from Japan International Cooperation Agency for the project.

Meanwhile, the State government has sanctioned Rs. 14.63 crore assistance for improvement of roads and drains in both Bhubaneswar and Cuttack. According to government sources, the TFC has granted Rs. 12.20 crore and Rs. 11.70 crore for BMC and Cuttack Municipal Corporation respectively to purchase machines and vehicles to collect wastages from individual households.

Moreover, the State government has sanctioned Rs. 1.54 crore as matching grant to Rs. 11.64 crores of Central assistance for improving infrastructure and construction of houses in four slums in Bhubaneswar.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 06 January 2010 03:02