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Dry Sunday for patients at GMC's new block

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The Times of India 25.01.2010

Dry Sunday for patients at GMC's new block

PANAJI: An acute water shortage in the new wing of the Goa medical college and hospital, especially the paediatrics ward, on Sunday adversely affected patients for most part of the day. Water had to be literally rationed for essential needs of the occupants in about five wards, sources said.

"There was no water supply in the paediatrics ward till late evening," a parent of a child admitted in one of the
wards said. Another woman tending to her child added, "We had to face hardship after the taps dried up and we had
to walk to the canteen to get small quantities for essential needs." A relative of a patient in the skin and VD ward said water supply stopped in the morning and they had no water till 8.30 pm.

Sources said that the GMC staff tried to provide small quantities of water for drinking and other purposes during
the day. When contacted GMC medical superintendent Dr Rajan Kunkolienkar admitted that water supply had stopped for some time. "The PWD delayed pumping the water in the afternoon," he said.

Two pumps in the main building and new wing supply water to this side of the complex. The water supply was resumed just after 8 pm, he said. Sources in the PWD could not be contacted for the reason for delay in pumping the water.

It was, however, learnt that some areas of Tiswadi have been hit by a water shortage and that low pressure could have caused a problem.

The multi-storeyed new wing of the GMC has two sections of paediatric wards and an intensive care unit on the
ground floor, while the canteen is located in the basement of the building. The skin and VD ward is also in the
basement, while the nephrology and medicine wards are located on the upper floors of the wing, which had been inaugurated some time back.