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Unending menace

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The New Indian Express 23.02.2010

Unending menace

KOCHI: Promises are made to be broken. That seems to be the motto of Kochi Corporation. In successive budgets the Corporation had made tall claims promising unworkable proposals.

Though the authorities managed to meet expectations in some areas, the majority of issues that need urgent attention seem to be neglected. One such is the mosquito menace plaguing the city. Kochiites are forced to shell out a substantial amount on mosquito repellents every month.

Though the civic body claims that it is siphoning off lakhs of rupees to fight the menace, mosquitoes that are causative agents of many dreaded diseases are left to breed in stagnant water.

Though the Corporation authorities claim that they are undertaking fogging and spraying regularly, they have not been very effective. As per the recommendations made by some entomologists, the Corporation had decided to launch an integrated project for a modernised sewerage system in the city. In the 2008-2009 budget, allocations were made for a modernised sewerage system at an estimated cost of Rs 24.62 crore. The plan was to implement the project in three phases. The same project was included in the 2009-10 budget as well.

But it is still in its initial stages. “The Kerala Water Authority has to implement the project on behalf of the Corporation. The plan was to modernise the existing sewage plant at Elamkulam and to construct new plants at Mundamvely and Edappally. For this purpose, nearly 10 pumping stations have to be constructed,” said a Corporation official.

“Land acquisition is a major hurdle that is delaying the project,” the official added.

Kochi of yesteryear was blessed with a natural flushing mechanism where salt water from the backwaters used to flush out mosquito larvae from the drains during the rainy season. But due to increased urbanisation, the waterways are blocked with non-degradable waste hampering free flow of water.

Better public hygiene, well cleaned drains and efficient sewerage system are the only permanent solutions to fight mosquito menace. But so far nothing has been done in this regard. The promise of a better sewerage system and a mosquito-free Kochi is likely to feature in this year’s budget too.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 23 February 2010 11:02