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CMC seeks help to keep city clean

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The Hindu 24.02.2010

CMC seeks help to keep city clean

Staff Correspondent

Hoteliers asked to dispose of waste properly

CMC to invest Rs. 1.5 crore in garbage disposal units

Chitradurga: Admitting that the Chitradurga City Municipal Council (CMC) was short of hands to ensure cleanliness in the city, Municipal Commissioner Vijay Kumar has appealed to residents to cooperate in keeping the city clean.

Speaking at a seminar on solid waste management organised by the council here on Tuesday, Mr. Kumar said that the CMC had only 140 staff members, while the city’s population was about 1.25 lakh.

Blaming hoteliers, vegetable vendors and those running fruit juice centres for dumping waste by the side of the roads, he called upon them to dump waste only in the trash cans provided by the CMC at various places.

He also urged the residents to use the garbage bins provided. “No matter what steps the CMC takes, the city will not be clean unless people realise the importance of hygiene and cleanliness,” he said.

As a part of the modernisation plan, the CMC has decided to purchase hi-tech cleaning machines and garbage disposal units at the cost of Rs. 1.5 crore.

He said that machines had been purchased for segregating waste from the landfill located on the outskirts of the city.

“With the objective of educating people on the significance of cleanliness, the CMC will be holding awareness programmes in all wards of the city,” he said. Mr. Kumar said that the CMC had already received Rs. 85 crore under various schemes aimed at the improvement of basic amenities and infrastructure in the city.

CMC environmental engineer Narendra Babu said that 60 per cent of the waste comprised plastic, which was hazardous to the environment and public health. “Plastic also causes the clogging of drainage and sewage lines.”

Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 February 2010 02:09