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Public Health / Sanitation

Waste disposal scheme mooted

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The Hindu 09.01.2010

Waste disposal scheme mooted

Radhakrishnan Kuttoor

— Photo: Leju Kamal

Unhealthy situation: Sewage collected from various areas is dumped in the wetland adjoining the Children’s Park on Pushpagiri Medical College Road in Thiruvalla.

PATHANAMTHITTA: Bodhana, the social service arm of Thiruvalla Archdiocese of the Malankara Catholic Church, has proposed a people-friendly waste disposal scheme for Thiruvalla municipality and adjoining grama panchayats.

The proposal submitted to municipal chairman Cherian Polachirackal stressed the need to make the local people aware of the importance of disposing of the waste generated in their own locality in a proper way.

Talking to The Hindu, Bodhana project coordinator C.J. Jacob said the venture was aimed at fighting the pollution due to indiscriminate dumping of solid waste in the town. Proper public awareness and education in the field of waste management was a prime necessity for effectively addressing the problem, he said.

According to him, all developing towns in the State were faced with the problem of proper waste disposal mainly owing to non-availability of land for installing sewage treatment plants. Moreover, the State-sponsored plants were not functioning properly at many places. This, coupled with the callous littering of solid waste from hotels, residential buildings, markets, chicken corners, etc, posed serious environment pollution and health hazard in many parts of the State.

Sewage dumping

The dumping of sewage collected from different parts of the municipality in the heart of Thiruvalla has been a major issue facing the town since the past few years. The stench emanating from the filth dumped at a public stadium and in the wetland adjoining the Children’s Park in Thiruvalla town has already evoked public protests.

Mr. Jacob said the Bodhana project stressed the need for popularising certain common waste disposal technologies among the public, thereby reducing the pollution menace in the locality in a time-bound manner.

He said Bodhana was planning to supply waste disposal devices like vermi compost pots and portable bio-gas plants, besides launching an effective public awareness campaign with its well-trained volunteers as part of the scheme.

He said the support and financial assistance of the local self-government institutions was a must for the successful implementation of the project.

The Bodhana proposal included recruitment of a volunteer core from among the local population for carrying out house-to-house awareness campaigns. As many as 1,000 shops, 500 institutions and 7,500 houses would be covered in a month, he said.

Mr. Jacob said educating the general public on various methods of waste disposal in their own locality would reduce the burden of the local bodies.

Legal measures

He said local bodies as well as the health authorities should also initiate legal measures to check littering of waste in public places. He said the project proposed installation of a bio-gas plant on the municipal premises.

Mr. Jacob said the civic body chief had shown keen interest in the Bodhana proposal and had agreed to consider its implementation in a time-bound manner.

Last Updated on Saturday, 09 January 2010 02:25

Night Food Street kiosks to be auctioned soon

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Indian Express 08.01.2010

Night Food Street kiosks to be auctioned soon

The Municipal Corporation will soon be holding an open auction for kiosks at the Night Food Street.

It has also been decided that a check would be kept on the prices to ensure uniformity and see that items are not placed higher than market rates.

The contract of the present owners of the eight kiosks had expired last month.

The civic body, however, failed to call the tenders in time due to which the contract could not be renewed.

A three-member committee had been constituted to survey the prevailing market rates before fixing the reserve price for auctioning the kiosks.

A meeting of the committee members was held on Thursday, but the terms and conditions were not presented.

It was then decided to hold another meeting on Friday to finalise the same.

The committee members were of the opinion that since the Night Food Street is near PGI and Panjab University and is catering to a large number of students and attendants of patients, the rates of items should be comparable to those in the markets of nearby areas.

Mayor Anu Chatrath said, “An official of the Municipal Corporation would be made incharge, who would keep a check on the rates at the Night Food Street. A check would be kept on any sort of violation.”

The rent being charged and the rates prevailing in the nearby markets including Sector 11 and Panjab University had been called for reference.

During the Finance and Contract Committee meeting of the civic body held in December, it was proposed that the kiosks be rented out for three years with a clause for enhancing rent by 15 per cent every year.

Also, to get an extension, the kiosk owner would have to get a certificate from the area councillor, mayor and the Municipal Corporation.

The committee has also decided that for the extra days that the kiosks were allowed to function, owners will be charged 10 per cent higher than the amount at which the kiosks were rented out.

The officials have been asked to complete the formalities for fresh allotments by January 15.

Last Updated on Friday, 08 January 2010 13:09

Pulse polio awareness rally

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Deccan Herald 07.01.2010

Pulse polio awareness rally
Bangalore, DHNS:

A pulse polio awareness rally was flagged off by the BBMP Commissioner Bharat Lal Meena and actor Tara here on Wednesday.

The programme is scheduled to be held on January 10 and February 7. The Palike has established vaccination centres at 3,173 booths across the City in BBMP referral hospitals, clinics etc. Around 14,318 vaccinators with 723 supervisors including 432 mobile vans have been roped in for the programme. An estimated 11 lakh children below the age of five are expected to be administered with polio drops in the city during the programme.

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