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Public Health / Sanitation

5 yrs on, BMC to conduct its second dog census

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The Indian Express            21.08.2013

5 yrs on, BMC to conduct its second dog census

More than five years after it first conducted a dog census in the city, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) will replicate the exercise in September. The civic body will conduct the census in a scientific manner using colour coding to devise more effective sterilisation programmes.

"The dog census will begin from September by using a colour coding method which is more effective than traditional methods. This will also help us devise more effective sterilisation plans," said Dr Shantaram Baburao Naik, Deputy Executive Health Officer.

The colour coding method will ensure maximum coverage and minimum scope for error, officials said. BMC has appointed Human Society International, an organisation which works for animal protection and welfare for the project.

Dogs of a specific area will be marked with a certain colour in the first phase. The coding will be done in separate colours in the same area to identify neighbourhood and territorial dogs.

The first census that the BMC undertook between October 2007 and January 2008, had found 76,000 dogs in the city — a figure which many animal activists thought was conservative. Of these, 26, 900 were found to be pet dogs. The first census had also found that 4,204 pet dogs owners had a BMC license for their pets.

According to officials, to conduct successful sterilisation projects, a detailed census needs to be conducted. The civic administration's data point out that more there were more than 200 cases of dog bite recorded in the city daily in 2011. The number of dog bites recorded since 2001 is 6,50,000. Civic officials said the number of dog bites in 2011 was up by over 50 per cent since 2007.

Sterilisation programmes are being conducted here by eight organisations since November 13, 2007. Till January 31, 2011, 49,000 dogs were sterilised.


Efforts on to sterilise dogs

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The Hindu               21.08.2013

Efforts on to sterilise dogs

Special Correspondent

The Gulbarga City Corporation has sought the help of dog catchers in Tamil Nadu and those rearing pigs here to curb the menace of stray dogs and pigs.

Stray dogs are sterilised, given anti-rabies injection and released in the areas from where they were caught.

Pigs will be kept in a secured place and later auctioned.

Beaten up

Sources said that pig catchers had to face the wrath of the people who had raised them and some of them were even beaten up on Monday.

The corporation had a tough time persuading pig catchers, who refused to continue the operation. Later they were given a promise that they would be given protection.

The dog catchers are paid Rs. 150 for a dog.

Corporation seeks help of dog catchers from Tamil Nadu.


‘Clean Kasaragod’ turns huge hit

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The Hindu               20.08.2013

‘Clean Kasaragod’ turns huge hit

People’s project:Volunteers participating in the ‘Clean Kasaragod drive’.— Photo: K. Vinaya Kumar
People’s project:Volunteers participating in the ‘Clean Kasaragod drive’.— Photo: K. Vinaya Kumar

Hinting at the support public will extend to a government project that they feel is worthwhile, the district government initiative ‘Clean Kasaragod’ got tremendous response from the people of the district.

People from all walks of life participated in the one-day drive on Monday, launched across the district in the wake of alarming cases of epidemics during this monsoon.

The cleanliness drive, conceived by the district administration, was held by involving all the 38 grama panchayat and three municipalities.

The drive brought to the fore the need to keep the surroundings clean in the light of rising cases of epidemics like dengue and jaundices.

Led by all the five MLAs in their constituencies and senior district officials, the district-level inauguration of the project was done by N.A. Nellikkunu, MLA, at the General Hospital here. District Collector P.S. Mohammed Sagir took part in the cleanliness drive.

The day-long programme was also attended by NSS members of the Kasaragod government college, GHSS, Kasaragod, Nellikkunnu Girls Government Vocational HSS, Kasaragod, and B.E.M. HSS students.

E. Chandrasekharan, MLA, inaugurated the programme at Kanhangad municipality where the volunteers cleared pile of wastes in public places in various pockets of the town.

The programme in Uduma was inaugurated by K. Kunhiraman, MLA. In Thrikaripur, K. Kunhiraman, local MLA, kick started the programme as volunteers cleaned educational institutions, government offices, bus station, and railway station.

The cleanliness drive in Manjeshwaram was inaugurated by P. B. Abdul Razak at Uppala town.


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