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Public Health / Sanitation

Bells and whistles of she-toilets not a big draw with city women

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The Hindu             31.07.2013 

Bells and whistles of she-toilets not a big draw with city women

Loaded to the gills:Technology seems to be driving away many women from the ‘she-toilets.’ The scene near the Museum police station.— Photo: S. Gopakumar
Loaded to the gills:Technology seems to be driving away many women from the ‘she-toilets.’ The scene near the Museum police station.— Photo: S. Gopakumar
Here is what could be an innovative solution to the lack of hygiene in public toilets that women often complain about — the “she-toilets” in the city are automatic and loaded with features not found in other public toilets. Yet, technology is what seems to be driving away many of the women from these toilets.

The Kerala State Women’s Development Corporation (KSWDC) set up 20 of these women-friendly, technology-driven toilets in January 2012, especially aimed at women on the go.

Yet change was never going to be easy for a segment that had no explanation for not using these toilets ever. Features as varied as a coin-operated sanitary-napkin-vending machine, an incinerator to burn the napkins, diaper-changing stations for babies, an Indian-style pan, electronic display boards on doors, security features, FM radio, and SMS alert to controllers for cleaning the tanks have not drawn a majority of the women to use the facility.

Among the few who did venture inside the units, which cost Rs. 5 lakh each, the response is mixed. “Given that there are no instructions in the regional language, and the operation is a little confusing, I was not comfortable using it,” Elsa George, a bank employee, said.

Many college students felt the facilities provided for menstrual hygiene were useful. However, a few were concerned about the location of the toilets, mostly in public places such as junctions where there was no privacy.

“There was difficulty in getting land or electricity or water in many of the locations that were earlier decided for the project. Hence, the units at SAT Hospital, Regional Cancer Centre, and near Fort are yet to start functioning. A few changes, including relocation of some toilets and labelling of the control buttons in Malayalam, will be made. It is hoped that more people will come forward to use the toilets,” P.S. Ramshad, a KSWDC official, said.

But the changes need to be implemented soon, as regular maintenance and upkeep of the toilets is not a cheap affair. The maintenance charges for each unit come to around Rs.5,200 a month. Then there are the non-revenue generating units set up in colleges.

Though the toilets are a not-for-profit initiative, the KSWDC is being forced to look at alternative ways of revenue generation as long-term maintenance of the units may not be feasible with the collection amount alone.


Mohali to carry out special 10-day sanitation campaign

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The Indian Express                30.07.2013

Mohali to carry out special 10-day sanitation campaign

In Mohali, a special sanitation campaign will be carried out from August 1 to August 10. The city has been divided into five zones and 500 sweepers per day will perform their duty.

To monitor the campaign, officials has been deputed at zone levels and overall control of the campaign will be with with Dilraaj Singh, Joint Commissioner, Municipal Corporation.

This was stated by Deputy Commissioner Tejinder Pal Singh Sidhu, during a meeting addressed by him at the district administrative complex.

The meeting was addressed to officials of GMADA and the Municipal Corporation regarding successful implementation of this campaign.

Sidhu stated that the campaign will be started from YPS Chowk. During the campaign special attention will be given to cleaning of dumping points, kerb channels, removing grass and lifting of garbage from roadsides and cleaning of roads.

He appealed to residents of the city to maintain the cleanliness in the city and participate in this campaign wholeheartedly to make it a successful event. He also appealed to the public to not drop the garbage from their home on to the roads and instead use dustbins.


Sanitation packages to be given to SHGs

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The Hindu             30.07.2013 

Sanitation packages to be given to SHGs

Staff Reporter

A decision, in principle, has been taken to award sanitation packages to ward-level federations of self-help groups, Municipal Commissioner M.V. Satyanarayana has said.

To begin with, training will be given in Ward 2 for two packages. Legal advice was sought on whether to continue the packages given to the recognised union going by some GOs and council resolution, he told reporters on Monday. The practice has been going on for 10 years now.

Maha Vysakhi Mahila Samakhya is an umbrella organisation of women and a part of GVMC and has taken up water works on non-profit basis, according to the Municipal Commissioner.

The functioning was transparent and any doubts, including the number of workers, could be verified and probed, he said.


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