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Public Health / Sanitation

Mobile van to treat street dogs

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The Times of India                     09.04.2013

Mobile van to treat street dogs

BHUBANESWAR: Providing a boost to dog sterilization programme in Bhubaneswar, the government has decided to procure a 'mobile operation theatre van', which will operate on stray dogs in the streets. As of now, the dogs are being caught and brought to the veterinary hospital at Saheed Nagar to undergo sterilization.

Sources said Nalco has donated Rs 15 lakh to the animal resources development department for the purchase of the air-conditioned van, fitted with modern instruments and healthcare facilities for stray animals in distress.

"We have received the donation from Nalco and placed the order for purchase of the modern van. The vehicle will not only help us sterilize dogs anywhere in the streets, but also come to the rescue of injured stray animals on roads," said Dr S B Swain, nodal officer of animal birth control programme at the Saheed Nagar veterinary polyclinic.

The van can be used by other districts too. "The van will rush to those areas where dog sterilization clinics are not available," Dr Swain said.

The city has witnessed an explosion in the population of stray dogs over the past few years. Sources said the population of stray dogs and cattle at present stands at around 22,000 and 9,000, respectively. The city was home to around 15,000 dogs in 2008. Pedestrians and bikers have been complaining of danger from dogs at night. Not long ago, chief minister Naveen Patnaik too expressed irritation at growling stray dogs during an interaction with the media in the state secretariat here. The dogs kept barking outside the secretariat, distracting Naveen's attention.

The Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) has been providing Rs 10 lakh to the veterinary hospital at Saheed Nagar ever since the dog sterilization programme started in Bhubaneswar in 2008. BMC had entrusted some NGOs to carry out the job. But finding little result, the BMC handed over the responsibility to the veterinary clinic in June 2008. A little over 8,000 dogs, including nearly 2,800 female canines, have been sterilized so far, sources said. Sterilization of each dog costs Rs 500. About 40 dogs are being sterilized in a week. Dogs between the age group of 6-7 years come under the sterilization process. A stray dog has a lifespan of around 12 years.

There was a proposal in 2010 to modernize the Saheed Nagar polyclinic. Though the housing and urban development department recently released Rs 30 lakh to BMC to purchase new equipment for faster birth control operations of stray dogs, it is still a non-starter.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 09 April 2013 11:46

SPCA's contract to sterilise dogs extended by a month

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The Times of India                     09.04.2013

SPCA's contract to sterilise dogs extended by a month

NASHIK: The contract of the Latur-based Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), Udgir, appointed by the Nashik Municipal Corporation ( NMC) in December for sterilising stray dogs in the city, has been extended for another month. The contract came to an end on March 31.

The Animal Welfare Board of India approved NGO began with the sterilisation of the city strays on an experimental basis for a period of three months starting January. The SPCA is already doing a similar kind of work in the Pune Municipal Corporation ( PMC).

The civic body had given a target of sterilising 1,000 dogs in three months for a payment of Rs 700 per dog. As per the figures obtained from the health department, the NGO has crossed the target. However, the decision of its appointment on a regular basis will be taken after the April end.

"The contract came to an end on March 31 but the NGO has been given an extension of one more month. Till date they have sterilised 1,288 dogs - 517 males and 769 females," said veterinary officer Pramod Sonawane.

On the backdrop of the recent spurt in the dog bite incidents, the health officials said the dogs were sterilised based on the complaints that were received from the citizens, besides the regular sterilisation conducted by the SPCA.

"We cannot say which area has the maximum number of strays. We act on the complaints we get. Also, while picking up the dogs, one cannot say for sure if they are rabid," the officials said. They said they were trying to sterilise and vaccinate as many dogs as possible.

According to the data provided by the Civil Hospital, the cases of dog bites and deaths have gone down in the past two years.

In 2011, there were 3,919 cases of dog bites and 15 deaths, while in 2012 there were 3,336 such cases and seven deaths.

Sources in the hospital said that since January this year, there has not been a single death due to dog bite among the 3-4 cases reported.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 09 April 2013 11:25

BMC creates diabetes database, registered users to get monthly SMS health updates

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The Indian Express                        09.04.2013

BMC creates diabetes database, registered users to get monthly SMS health updates

BMC on Monday launched a diabetes registry as part of its plan to curb the increasing incidence of lifestyle diseases among urban population. The database has 10,000 registered diabetics, all reported from civic dispensaries.

"The purpose is to keep track of those who are in their pre-diabetic as well as diabetic phase. We have the addresses and phone numbers of registered patients so it becomes easier to follow up with them in case of drop-out treatment. We will also send monthly health updates to registered patients via SMS," said senior BMC official Daksha Shah.

The civic body has started a door-to-door campaign to identify diabetes patients and direct them for appropriate treatment.

During a recent 15-day campaign organised by the BMC across 24 health posts, around 750 people were diagnosed with diabetes. "It is a misconception that diabetes is a rich man's disease. There should be focus on people in slum areas, too. The registry will help us in this regard," said additional municipal commissioner Manisha Mhaiskar.

A booklet titled 'Mumbai, Begin Today' was also launched on Monday. The booklet, meant for the public, highlights the need for youngsters as well as adults to maintain certain health lifestyle habits. "With increasingly stressful routines, unhealthy lifestyles are common among youngsters and adults. Through the booklet, we aim at spreading awareness about the ill effects of such lifestyles and small changes that can be made in diet, attitudes and daily routines that will help in leading healthier lives," said Shah.

Initially, 100 copies of the booklet have been published in English and Marathi. The BMC plans to publish more copies in Hindi as well and distribute them in schools and colleges.

Action plan to curb diabetes

The database has 10,000 registered diabetics, all reported from civic dispensaries

The civic body has started a door-to-door campaign to identify diabetes patients and direct them for appropriate treatment

During a recent 15-day campaign organised by the BMC across 24 health posts, around 750 people were diagnosed with diabetes

A booklet titled 'Mumbai, Begin Today' was also launched. It highlights need for certain lifestyle habits


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