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Public Health / Sanitation

Daunted by dark water

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The Hindu                    11.03.2013

Daunted by dark water

Drinking water and sewage water in close proximity at Karimadom Colony.— Photo: Kaavya Pradeep Kumar
Drinking water and sewage water in close proximity at Karimadom Colony.— Photo: Kaavya Pradeep Kumar.

Fathima Beevi sits outside her home at Karimadom Colony and watches the rice she’s cooking come to a slow boil. As she absently ladles the contents of the frothing pot, she jerks her head in the direction of the stream of drainage water snaking through the patchwork of decrepit homes that make up most of the colony near the Attakulangara bypass.

“What do you do? How many times can you get a Minister or any authority to come here and make promises? So we cook, eat, and wash beside open drains because there is no choice,” says the grandmother of four, and resident of a single-room house that accommodates two families.

She is not the only one. The seven new flats designed by the Centre for Science and Technology for Rural Development (COSTFORD), as part of the Centre-funded Basic Services for the Urban Poor (BSUP) scheme being implemented by the city Corporation, accommodate 140 families. Close to 400 are waiting their turn.

Constant fear

Living in perennial fear of rain and outbreak of diseases is taking its toll on the inhabitants. All they seek is respite from poor drainage facilities.

“Forget the monsoon season, an hour of heavy rainfall is enough for these homes to be flooded,” said N. Suresh, a resident.

While some houses are slightly above the drain’s level, others are just inches above the ground and a slight ripple in the drain will send the contaminated water indoors.

“There are sufficient water taps and since this area is low-lying, we rarely face water shortage. We are more concerned about whether our drinking water will get contaminated,” said Mr. Suresh, pointing at the taps situated close to the sewage stream.

21 blocks more

The civic body is focussing more on the completion of the remaining 21 blocks, but no immediate flood mitigation project is in the pipeline.

A senior official told The Hindu that once the hubbub surrounding the recently presented Corporation budget dies down, a Cluster Development Committee meeting would be held to pave way for COSTFORD to finish the work it began in 2008.

Their approach includes creating a proper sewerage network. Disputes surrounding the beneficiary list have posed delays but specific reference has been made in the budget about commencing the next phase of construction at the Karimadom Colony.


Not paid for four months, still keeping the Bangalore streets clean

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The New Indian Express                       08.03.2013

Not paid for four months, still keeping the Bangalore streets clean

BBMP pourakarmika Jayamma | Nagaraja Gadekal

BBMP pourakarmika Jayamma | Nagaraja Gadekal.

Today Bangalore is breathing a sigh of relief from its garbage crisis, but many Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike’s contract pourakarmikas are yet to get paid. On Women’s Day many women pourakarmikas ‘Express’ spoke to said that they have either borrowed money or pledged their gold to make ends meet.

Jayamma (40), who has been sweeping the roads of Coconut Garden Layout at Nagarbhavi ward for the past five years, said she has not been paid her salary of `5,054 for the past four months. Since her husband died of cancer a few months ago she is the only breadwinner and has to ensure that her daughters goes to school. “I stay in a rented house near Amarjyothinagar and has to pay `1,800 per month for rent. If I do not pay rent, my landlord will throw me out. How can I survive in the city (without a house) with my two teenage daughters. The city is not safe,” she said. Jayamma said she has borrowed `10,000 from a lender and has to repay with interest.

The story of Maniyamma, another pourakarmika working at Rajajinagar is no different. Her husband met with an accident two months ago and is now at home.

“He is not able to work at present. With this, the money we were getting from him has stopped. With no earnings, I had to pledge my gold earrings for `8,500 at a pawn broker shop. I have three children, all of them are too young to work,” she said.

Last Updated on Saturday, 09 March 2013 04:40

Kochi corporation faces flak over mosquitoes

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The Times of India                   07.03.2013 

Kochi corporation faces flak over mosquitoes

KOCHI: Despite tall claims, the Kochi corporation has done precious little to control the mosquito menace in the city which peaks during the December-March period. While the failure to implement mosquito control programmes has invited biting criticism from city residents, the civic body has blamed shortage of manpower and fogging machines for the crisis.

"People have been complaining to councillors about the mosquito menace. But the local body has not released enough funds to buy diesel, kerosene and petrol required for fogging. Though there has to be two machines in one corporation circle, not even a single one is available in some circles," said Thevara councillor P R Ranish. The corporation has 22 circles and 74 divisions.

The mosquito menace reaches its peak during the December-March period, which is considered ideal for breeding. The local body called off large-scale fogging operations, stating that the residents were opposed to it. Though the corporation council had asked officials to reintroduce fogging, it has not materialized so far.

Responding to criticism, health standing committee chairman T K Asharaf said the local body would recruit daily wage workers to carry out fogging and related activities. He calimed the civic body was focusing on controlling mosquito breeding to bring down expenditure.

Meanwhile, the corporation said they would start pre-monsoon cleaning on April 1. The cleaning activities include desilting of drains, spraying and fogging.

Works committee chairperson Soumini Jain said the civic body cannot start the activity before April. "If the local body carries out cleaning earlier, we will be forced to repeat it as waste and debris will get deposited again in areas we clear," she said.

The corporation has stopped pumping saline water into drains following allegations regarding misappropriation of funds. "Following audit objection, we discontinued such activities," she said.

Kochi: Despite making tall claims, the Kochi corporation has done little to control mosquito menace in the city, and the failure to implement mosquito control programmes has invited biting criticism from city residents. Shortage of manpower and insufficient number of fogging machines have adversely hit the civic body's programmes. Even though the civic body has stated that they would provide power sprayers, corporation councillors point out that such new equipment were not available in many of the divisions.

"People have been complaining to councillors on mosquito menace. But, the local body has not released enough funds to procure diesel, kerosene and petrol required for fogging. Though there has to be two machines in one corporation circle, in some of the circles not even a single machine is available," said PR Ranish, councillor, Thevara. Kochi corporation has 22 circles and 74 divisions.

The mosquito menace in the city reaches its peak during the December-March period, which is considered to be the ideal time for its breeding. The local body had called off large-scale fogging operations stating the residents were opposed to it and they left the area when larvicides were used for fogging. Even though the corporation council had earlier asked officials to re-introduce the system to tackle the menace, it did not materialise.

Responding to criticism health standing committee chairman T K Asharaf said the local body would recruit daily wage workers to carry out fogging and related activities. He said that the civic body has been focusing on curbing mosquito breeding grounds on would help to bring down expenditure on mosquito control activities.
Last Updated on Thursday, 07 March 2013 07:48

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