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Public Health / Sanitation

80% of Hyderabad's sewage dumped in lakes: Report

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The Times of India     26.07.2012

80% of Hyderabad's sewage dumped in lakes: Report

HYDERABAD: The city's most important water body, the Musi River, has turned in to a sewage line. Almost 80% of Hyderabad's untreated sewage gets dumped into the city's lakes so much so that the city's drinking water (Manjeera) now demonstrates an alarmingly high presence of excreta.

These are some of the startling facts which have come to light in the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)'s 71-city study, Excreta Matters, on how Indian urban centres manage their water and sewage resources. The study was released in the city on Wednesday by the municipal administration and urban development (MAUD) minister M Maheedhar Reddy who incidentally faulted citizens for the high sewage and excreta content in the city's drinking water.

According to the report, 700-800 million litres per day (MLD) of sewage is dumped in the Musi. This is because the municipalities surrounding Hyderabad, with a population of 0.2 million and spread over an area of over 370 square kilometers (sqkm), have virtually no sewerage network. All the waste is discharged into drains and water bodies that eventually flow into the Musi. Adding to this sewage load is the pharmaceutical hub at Patancheru that releases a huge amount of chemical waste into the city's water sources.

If the amount of impurities present in Hyderabad's water is shocking, the plummeting water level in its lakes is even more alarming. According to the CSE study, the city is currently staring at a 30% deficit in its official water supply with the crisis only likely to worsen in the future. Most of the 934 tanks (lakes) in and around Hyderabad (as per 1973 records) have disappeared and the geographical area covered by water bodies (in 1964)

has reduced to less than 1.5%. The Hyderabad study of the CSE report was compiled in collaboration with SaciWaters (South Asia Consortium for Interdisciplinary Water Resources Studies).

The death of local water bodies has forced the city to fall back on water from Nargarjunasagar dam (100km away), the Krishna (116km away) and even the Godavari, which is at a distance of about 186km from the state capital, the report observes. The demand-supply gap for water has increased the pressure on groundwater in both residential and industrial pockets.

"But, like in most cities, in Hyderabad, too, there is no respect for groundwater management. There is no realization that the supply is finite and should be recharged for sustainability," said Nitya Jacob, programme director (water), CSE. Based on the findings of the CSE report, Jacob proposed that authorities allocate Rs 1,076 crore to treat contaminated water with an additional Rs 4,622 crore to fix the problem of water shortage.

Government officials present at the event, however, thought that was unnecessary. They maintained that both the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) and the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board (HMWS&SB) were doing enough to supply 'safe' and 'clean' water to Hyderabad's residents. The MAUD minister, instead of finding fault with these departments, squarely blamed Hyderabadis for encroachment of water bodies and rise in water pollution levels. "Residents never bother to complain about encroachments. They just sit back and expect the government to do everything. It is they who are responsible for the dumping of waste in water bodies," Reddy said.

He accused "people with money power" of illegally drilling borewells and depleting the water-table while even as he gave a clean chit to the government. "I, however, admit that many lakes have disappeared or have been polluted. We are making sincere efforts to address the issue. "We have even taken up the rainwater harvesting project very aggressively and assure that all residential ventures that have paid for this facility over the last one year will have a pit on their premises in a few months," the minister said.

Times View


Potable drinking water remains a pipe dream in Hyderabad. There have been many studies indicating that the water supplied to city households is 'C' grade and cannot be consumed without being treated intensively. That authorities choose to blame citizens for the poor quality of water that flows out of their taps only goes to show their complete lack of concern in addressing this serious matter. It was only three years back that 11 people died in Bholakpur after consuming contaminated water. But there is no hope given the complacency of the authorities who are yet to learn their lesson.



Corporation to appoint more veterinarians

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The Hindu      26.07.2012

Corporation to appoint more veterinarians

Staff Reporter

 The city Corporation is planning to appoint veterinary surgeons on contract basis to conduct sterilisation operation on stray dogs captured from the city limits.A meeting of the Corporation health and veterinary officers convened by Mayor K. Chandrika decided to appoint veterinary surgeons at the Pettah and Thiruvallam veterinary hospitals of the Corporation.

“Dearth of veterinary doctors is a major issue because of which the Corporation is not being able to perform sterilisation surgeries on stray dogs. Unless the sterilisation process is done in a time-bound manner our dog squad will also not be able to capture stray dogs and keep them at the hospitals. In order to address this issue we have decided to appoint veterinary surgeons on contract basis,” Ms. Chandrika said.

She said that the meeting had also decided to improve the facilities at the Thiruvallam and Sreekaryam veterinary hospitals. This included setting up facilities for conducting sterilisation operation and more dog cages.

However, Ms. Chandrika said that even if the sterilisation facilities were improved the issue of attacks by stray dogs would remain unaddressed. “As per existing rules, we have to release the sterilised animals back to the same environment from where they were captured. So the issue of attacks by stray dogs remains. Bringing down the population of stray dogs through sterilisation will still take a lot of time,” she said.



Ombudsman sets deadline for work on bio-toilets

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The Hindu    25.07.2012

Ombudsman sets deadline for work on bio-toilets

Special Correspondent

The Ombudsman for Local Self-Government Institutions, G. Krishnan, has asked the Kochi Corporation to complete the work on the seven bio-toilets it had proposed to build in the city by September 15.

On Tuesday, the Ombudsman also asked the Corporation to report compliance by the deadline.Pointing out that the small number of toilets would not be sufficient to meet the needs of the people in the city, the Ombudsman also asked the Corporation to find out where else could it build toilets and file a survey report by September 15.

Mr. Krishnan said it was the statutory responsibility of the Corporation to build sufficient number of toilets, especially against the backdrop of the government plan to impose a penalty of Rs. 100 on those urinating in the open in the municipal limits.



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