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Northern peripheral road tenders soon

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Indian Express     30.07.2010

Northern peripheral road tenders soon

Tanushree Roy Chowdhury Tags : Dwarka Expressway, delhi Posted: Fri Jul 30 2010, 02:03 hrs

Gurgaon:  With the state sanctioning Rs 70 crore and the Detailed Project Report (DPR) ready, the Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) has set the ball rolling for the 18.5-km Northern Peripheral Road (NPR), also called the Dwarka Expressway.

“The DPR is ready and we will soon begin the tendering process. If all goes as per plan, work on the stretch should begin in the next four months,” HUDA superintending engineer Pankaj Kumra told Newsline. Due to litigation, work can begin on only a 12.5-km stretch connecting Dwarka and National Highway 8.

“HUDA has put land acquisition for the road on priority so that people who have booked properties can be assured proper connectivity,” said Gurgaon Deputy Commissioner Rajender Kataria.

The northern and southern peripheral roads are integral to the Gurgaon-Manesar Masterplan 2025. The roads are expected to take away up to 40 per cent of traffic from the Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway


Last Updated on Friday, 30 July 2010 11:03