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Easing traffic chaos on Bellary, Jayamahal roads

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The Deccan Chronicle  19.08.2010

Easing traffic chaos on Bellary, Jayamahal roads

Bengaluru, Aug. 18: The busy Bellary and Jayamahal roads will be widened by BBMP to ease traffic congestion. The civic authority has already acquired a portion of the Palace grounds property and has shortlisted three contractors to carry out road widening work.

Widening of the ‘L’ shaped road between Mekhri Circle and BDA junction and from Cantonment to Mekhri Circle will ensure smooth and signal free vehicle flow towards BIA and Cantonment, said a senior engineer in BBMP.

BBMP’s previous commissioner had played a pivotal role in successfully convincing Srikantadatta Wodeyar and his sisters, whose property was under litigation, to part with their land in the interests of the public. Contractor Chandrashekar Raju’s property on Bellary Road has also been acquired for the purpose with the offer of Transferable Development Right (TDR) as compensation, the senior engineer said.

Of the 16 acres, Wodeyar himself will be parting with a land spread across 9.33 acres. An area measuring between 17 mtrs to 23 mtrs would be acquired from the Palace grounds property, BBMP sources said.

The road near BDA and Cauvery magic box would also be widened. “Since both the roads are choked with bumper-to-bumper traffic during peak hours, they will be widened to 150 feet. The road between BDA junction to Mekhri Circle stretching over 1.5 km will be widened. The road between Mekhri Circle to Cantonment for over 2.8 km will be widened using the Transferable Development Rights (TDR) system enabling vehicles to zip through, the sources said.

Seven contractors took part in the tender process and three have been shorlisted to carry out the widening work at an estimated cost of Rs 32 crore.

Work will begin shortly and is expected to be completed within three months from commencement.The work has been split into 12 packages for the speedy completion. Some trees have been identified which will be cut down to taking up road widening work along Bellary Road and Jayamahal Road.

A compliance letter has been sent to the department of personnel and administrative reforms (DPAR) to seek permission from them for tree felling as the petition is pending before the Supreme Court.

Last Updated on Thursday, 19 August 2010 06:55